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5 SEO Quick Tips To Increase Your Website SERP’s

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5 SEO Quick Tips To Increase Your Website SERP’s. Search engine optimization, aka SEO, is going to be a crucial vehicle in how you drive traffic to your site.  Sure, there are other vital sources such as social media, PPC and back-linking strategies; however, this article will solely focus on the thing YOU have direct control of – your website.

Here are SEO Quick Tips that you can begin applying immediately that will help your chances of your pages being ranked well with search engines, that is, increase your SERP’s. This, in turn, can ultimately result in more traffic, increased page views and more money in your pocket! Note: At the very minimum, you should ensure that your home page is optimized for search engines with your targeted keyword(s).  However, it is ideal that these steps be taken with all your pages to increase your chances that your pages will be found and ranked well by search engines.

I will use one of the articles I recently wrote on SEO Quake as an example.  There are, of course, more SEO factors that you can implement, but I will just be sharing some of the more essential tips.

SEO Quick Tip # 1

Make sure your title tag <title> your title </title> has your targeted keyword in it.  If this is your home page, this will be the primary keyword that you are targeting for your website.  If this is an article you are writing, then include a specific keyword in the title.

SEO Quick Tip # 2

Include your keywords in your meta tags, that is, include them in your meta tag keywords and description area.

If you are running WordPress, you can easily do this by using a plugin such as All-In-One-SEO and add these meta tags directly in your dashboard.  If you are using a different platform, especially one that is not a Content Management System, then you will have to access your files and edit them using a text editor.

Side Note: I use Notepad ++.  It’s free and very easy to use.

Here’s a quick video overview on how to install and configure All-In-One-SEO-Pack:
Installing & Configuring All-In-One-SEO Plugin

SEO Quick Tip # 3

Include your keyword in the first paragraph; ideally in the first sentence of your copy.  It’s also a good idea to include your keyword in the last paragraph as well.

SEO Quick Tip # 4

Use your keyword throughout your content to increase your keyword density.  It’s important to note that you want to make sure you are writing for people and not search engines and that the content flows normally.  I write my copy without much thought on keyword placement.  Once I’m done, then I go back and decide if I’ve mentioned my keyword often enough.

Side note: SEO Quake actually is a great tool to help you measure the keyword density of your copy!

SEO Quick Tip # 5

Creating anchor text that contains your target keywords can help you with your SEO. It would be ideal if this anchor text is directed to another page or post within your site, but an external link will work fine as well.

So let’s check out keyword density with keyword ‘SEO Quake’:

As you can see, I have a keyword density of 1.72%; not great, but sufficient. If my primary goal is to rank well for a particular page, I would try to target anywhere from 2% and up.  There is much debate on what’s an appropriate KD percentage to target; I say whatever works for you!

But let’s take a look at the true measure; SERP’s.  A search in Google for the keyword ‘SEO Quake’ produces the following result:

As you can see, my article fell into position # 8 for this keyword in just a couple of weeks. Not bad!

I’m not showing this to you to brag, but to show you that if you put the right techniques in place you have a fair chance of ranking well in search engines.  Add to these other tactics such as social networking, PPC and back-linking techniques, you can potentially rank well with many of your pages and posts.

Side note: Don’t obsess with keyword placement! As I stated before, you are writing for people NOT search engines.  You don’t necessarily have to optimize for every post either; sometimes by doing so, you are interfering with your creative flow.  Just keep these SEO Quick Tips in mind and then just create great content!

We hope this post helped you to find out 5 SEO Quick Tips To Increase Your Website SERP’s.

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