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Smart Ways to Keep Up With Google Update

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Smart Ways to Keep Up With Google Update. Google has made a lot of changes over the past few years that can be a big challenge for modern marketers and SEO experts to keep up with. Google has started indexing according to mobile search results, removed ads, and even has cracked down on intrusive pop-ups ads. Google has also been making changes in the algorithm, search engine result pages, and policies based on user behavior and preferences.

We are a reliable and transparent SEO service in India that helps to improve the organic visibility of your website in search engines. Our main goal is to generate not only more organic traffic but most importantly, more sales from your website. Google has experts and coders working all day trying to find ways to stop black hat SEO from ruining their business. Google processes more than 2 trillion searches per year but it can make it challenging to adapt your strategy and achieve your SEO goals. So following are the important ways to keep up with Google-

Make content engaging and helpful:-

  1. It is important to make sure that you are writing high-quality content that answers many questions as possible.
  2. When you are trying to rank your web page higher in Google, write it as long as you can.
  3. Add media too and remember to keep keyword optimization but it should not be excessive.

Build links with relevancy in mind:-

  1. You cannot go on the internet and begin building links from any site and you may even receive a slap from Google’s algorithm.
  2. With newer and better systems Google can now check backlinks of your site. The truth is that Google wants to deliver its user’s relevant results that direct the users to more relevant results.
  3. If the site is low in authority as well as completely irrelevant to your site then Google will not take it as a viable source and will not rank you.

Use Google web tools:-

  1. You might not be aware that Google invests a lot of time and money to make sure that their webmasters have a bundle of tools and equipment which help them to succeed with their business.
  2. Google offers many features like the keyword planner, webmaster tools, sitemap, page rank, and much more.
  3. If you are not able to find these tools you may have a bunch of third-party tools that can be sometimes more beneficial for your SEO efforts.

Social media is more powerful:-

  1.  Social media is a lot more powerful than SEO.
  2. Many people use are probably using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram a lot more than.
  3. Google gets a lot of searches on a daily basis but while comparing that to the number of sessions on social media it means nothing.

Keep a fresh eye on your competition:-

  1. If your product or service is having competition then it is very important that you should watch their website very closely and should monitor their performance.
  2. This task becomes very important at the time when your competitors are also performing SEO.
  3. If your competitors are ranked on the top of Google then they might be doing something right. You should check out their site, SEO strategy, and content too.

In order to keep in the top positions of Google, you need to keep one eye on the rankings and one eye on the algorithm. It is very important that you play with Google and not break its rules. There are so many practices available which you can perform to achieve quick and easy rankings. Thus, use the above tips to stay on the good side of Google.

We hope this post helped you to find out the Smart Ways to Keep Up With Google Update.

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